Broker Check

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A few things to consider:

Your goals and needs now might be more complex or quite different than when we first set up your investments. And while your needs were changing, the world also was changing. Markets, investment options and tax laws all have evolved.  

Why does this matter? I would love to meet with you and take the time to talk about your current situation, needs and goals, and assess whether the investments and other plans we made together are still the best options for you. 

Brokerage accounts may meet your needs better and provide enhanced access to a broad range of investment products consolidated in one account, which helps streamline the tax management of your investments.

An advisory account provides access to a universe of non-proprietary mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and other securities to help build a portfolio with an asset allocation that aligns with your tolerance for risk.

Consolidating your assets would mean one login, one report and one statement. You have the ability to combine multiple accounts with the same registration under one account or set up a household group of multiple accounts with different registrations all managed together by one entity on the same platform.

Special situations might be best addressed with a full financial plan that focuses on risk management and retirement strategies.